Feb 12, 2007

Agnostic Through the Years

In my youth, I was an Apologetic Agnostic: "Sorry, I just don't know."

In my teens, I was a Sullen Agnostic: "Dunno. Don't care."

In my twenties, I was a Militant Agnostic: "I. Don't. Know. And you don't either."

In my thirties, I was a Practical Agnostic: "I don't know, sweetie. Daddy's still learning too."

In my forties, I'm a Wary Agnostic: "I'm thinking we should probably define ‘God’ before trying to have a meaningful discussion about this. How long you got?"

In my fifties, I'll be ... well, I don't know. But I have to admit, as the first hints of future curmudgeonry whisper at the edges of my mind, I find myself thinking the new paradigm will probably wear camouflage again.

I'll try to keep him in line.

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