Feb 11, 2007

Evidence of God

I was once asked ...

“In what way would a God need to reveal Godself to you in order for you to believe that a God exists? Secondly ... if you were God, how would you reveal yourself to the people of the world?"

Simply, in such a way as to leave no reasonable human any doubt. The truth is that some of us, considering ourselves at least semi-sentient, have what I respectfully submit is pretty reasonable doubt.

But, to answer the question ... what would it take specifically? I venture the following with a pronounced twinkle in my eye, in hopes not offending, making the point and even, with luck, perhaps amusing.

To wit:

If we're at the Redskins game next Sunday, and the sky suddenly lights up around 11 o'clock ... and some fellow who looks like Chuck Heston with a face a dozen times the size of the Moon appears ... or some form of entity never before seen around these parts manifests Itself ... and each of the 90,000 fellow humans around us in the stadium perceive It as we do ... and we all perceive It as It begins communicating how It feels about us, or sharing insight on how The Whole Thing Works or some other Really Big Thing ... and then perhaps rearranges a constellation or two while we all watch agog (you know, just to show us It’s serious) ... and when we all wake up the next morning the whole thing is in all the papers and on the news and by golly there's the film and sound and everything ... and all the subsequent frenzied digging by all the world's best scientists and all the world's best investigative media reveal that no, we were not in fact all going through some mass psychosis, or suffering a drug-induced mass hallucination due to a bad strain of grain and that yes, in fact this thing really did happen ... and oh by the way, the Big Dipper now looked like a Smiley Face instead of a spoon ... then yeah.

That would pretty much do it, I think.

A really smart guy once said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. All flippancy aside, that's what it would take. Extraordinary evidence. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, maybe a little less, but I think you get my drift.

When and if it happens, there won't be any question.

Until then ... question I will.

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